K-9 Heroes Can Retire In Comfort Because of YOU image

K-9 Heroes Can Retire In Comfort Because of YOU

Your donation means our nation's retired Police K-9s and Military Working Dogs can have everything they need after their service ends, for less than a cup of coffee per day.

$61,448 raised

$50,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We Can Help K-9 Heroes...Because of YOU!

Your end-of-year donation helps Project K-9 Hero pay for the medical care, food, rehabilitation and rehoming, and end-of-duty services for all of our Program Members in their retirement. We may be the ones taking the late night phone calls about emergency care, but we are able to do that only thanks to your generosity. The families of our Heroes can rest better at night knowing they won't have any undue hardship trying to give their dogs the care they require, and they can focus instead on giving them the love and devotion they deserve.

We have so many stories we could share with you about the K-9 Heroes and their families who benefit from our services. Pictured here is K-9 Joker, who is currently going through a serious health crisis. Read more about his story on our website.

Our goal is to admit 52 new Program Members to our Pack each year once their service to our nation is complete. We are there for them when they retire, when they're hungry, when they need medical help, and at their End of Watch. For just a few dollars or less each day, you can ensure that our mission will continue.

We can only do it because of YOU. Will you donate today?